
A 21-Day Breathing Challenge to help you go from stressed to Calm with Powerful Breath-Work Meditations.


There's no such thing as 'De-Stressing"

Stress is always present in our lives no matter how healthy we claim to be.

But here's the thing...

In order to achieve a healthy balance between stress and calm, we also need to be adding mindful practices such as breathing, meditation, movement, exercise, time in nature, etc. into our daily lives. Otherwise, stress will tip the scales. You may know this as being 'stressed out,' 'burned out,' overwhelmed, and even chronically stressed, anxious, and/or depressed.

You need a healthy balance between stress and calm

And the best way to do that is by creating a consistent meditation practice. Whether that's breathwork, Yoga Nidra, movement, or all of the above.

And that's exactly why I created...


A course to help you find the balance between Stressed and Calm with simple, yet powerful Breath Work meditations.

Why Breathwork?

Breath, mind, and body are all part of the same team. If one is agitated, others are agitated. In the same way, if one is calmed, others will follow. Just like that!

If you ever find yourself mentally rushing through the day, meaning, you finish one task and jump right to the other, then chances are that your body, and most importantly your breathing are also rushing.

When we slow down the breath, we slow down our thoughts, and the body and mind follow.

Breathwork is conscious breathing. It is the art of consciously changing the quality and rhythm of the breath to change our physical, mental, and emotional states.

Hey There! I'm Argentina

I started practicing yoga and meditation when I was in high school. I was stressed, overwhelmed, and highly anxious due to the many changes that were happening in my life at the time.

I was a teenager back then, and yoga became my sanctuary. It changed the way I handled everything that was going on. It changed my life. I practiced at home because I was too anxious to go to a group class. And actually, when I practiced, I used to put up a sign on my bedroom door that said “do not disturb.” Geeky, I know. But that’s how serious I was. Now I’m a full-time instructor and coach with a mission to share this powerful, healing practice with as many people as I can. 

Let's work together!

What Others Said After Working With Me

Aside from Argentina's clear, thoughtful descriptions of the techniques, the most helpful part of the session was going through a 20 minute practice together. I felt a noticeable difference in my level of alertness and calm afterward—and that glimpse of what breathwork meditation can offer was incentive to continue the practice on my own going forward."

- Bridget

This session was so eye opening for me! There were so many little bits of information that I had never thought about before and the new concepts Argentina really explained with ease. The way she wove everything together made it very easy to understand and take with me into my life. I love the way she did everything in little steps that really broke down each concept. This made it effortless for me to put them all together in the end because I was able to practice each piece, one at a time first. I would highly recommend a private session with Argentina and will be back to do another in the future. Argentina is so knowledgeable and also so personable that she really puts the student at ease to learn something new. (I could listen to her voice all day.) Thank you so much for this information! I will be using these techniques for calming my own anxiety. I would also love to take another private session from you in the future. Thank you, Argentina!"

- Katherine

My Blissful Breathing session with Argentina was educational, insightful, easily applicable and actionable, and relaxing and fun on top of it all! I found the session to be ideal for someone like me who is looking to start their own breathing practice at home, it's inclusive for all learners as it hits several different learning styles and modalities, and the session included everything I needed to understand and integrate the parts of a full breathing practice. I came away with lots of helpful notes about what I learned, a full practice calendar for 28 days, a great playlist to use in meditations, and I was so focused and relaxed after the session, it really set me up for a great day and I was noticeably calmer and less anxious all weekend! Thank you, Argentina!"

- Margaret-Ellen

I love Argentina's approach to guiding me through breathing practices and yoga sessions. She provides many options that allow me to find something that works well for me on that particular day. Her instruction is clear, well-thought out, and her care for her clients shines through. I am using the breathing practices that I learned in our private session on a daily basis." Thank you, Argentina!"

- Sydney

"Argentina is a wonderful teacher who is not only extremely knowledgeable, but also deeply cares about her students. She helped me to understand that breath awareness and relaxation are crucial components for a healthy yoga practice. I learned so much during the five-week course. Do not miss the opportunity to study with her."

- John

"I have done a little bit of breath work in yoga classes and enjoyed it, but never really got what I was doing. Working with Argentina gave me a better understanding of the different types of breathing and how to use them. She took the time to walk me through several different types of breathing and explained why each one might be used. In addition, the at home practice has given me a way to continue working on this on my own in a very approachable and manageable way."


"I felt energized, more clear and focused the rest of the day."


Your 21-Day Curriculum

DAYS 1-5


Before heading into deep, more complex breathwork practices, we first need to connect to the natural rhythm of our breath. This helps to shift our attention inwards, calm the breath (and therefore our minds) so that we can better experience the benefits of our breathwork practice. This part of the program will explore simple breathing practices that settle our energy and helps us tune in.

DAYS 6-10


The practice of 'active concentration', or (Dharana), not only helps to focus the mind, but it takes us into 'effortless concentration' (Dhyana) and deeper meditative states. This part of the program will explore breath visualizations and mantras that promote deep concentration and focus.

DAYS 11-15


Ever notice how sometimes your inhale is longer than your exhale or vice versa? This breathing pattern is quite common and it has to do with how we feel any given day. In this part of the program you will explore breathing techniques that help to balance our breathing and energy.

DAYS 16-20


Grounding practices are pacifying and calming to a restless mind and body. This part of the program will explore breathing techniques that lengthen the exhalations, which are deeply calming and are particularly helpful to those experiencing high levels of stress, anxiety, and difficulty sleeping.

DAY 21


Energizing practices are uplifting and invigorating to the body and mind. They energize, improve focus, boost your mood, and alleviate symptoms of mild depression (lethargy, heaviness, etc.).

How The Challenge Works

  • As soon as you sign-up you'll get a welcome email with instructions on how to prepare for the challenge.
  • Everyday, from April 3-23, you'll receive a guided breath-work practice right in your inbox.
  • Each meditation is no longer than 15 minutes so that it can easily fit into your schedule without overwhelm and unrealistic expectations.
  • There are five themes in this challenge: Connect, Focus, Balance, Ground, Arrive.
  • For each theme, you'll receive an audio lesson and a PDF guide/log to help you stay on track.
  • That's it! 21 days, 21 breath-work practices.

What's Included:

  • 21 days of breathwork meditations delivered straight to your email.
  • Audio Lessons for each theme to help you understand the 'why' and fundamentals of breathing techniques.
  • PDF Guides and practice log for each theme.
  • Bonus #1 - Blissful Energy Meditations
  • Bonus #2 - 30-Day Journaling Workbook
  • Bonus #3 - Body Scan Meditations

Bonus #1 - Blissful Energy Meditations

Running low on energy? Need a quick boost? These handy dandy practices are energizing, uplifting, and invigorating to the body and mind. They help improve focus, boost your mood, and alleviate symptoms of mild depression (lethargy, heaviness, etc.).

Bonus #2 - 30-Days of Journaling PDF Workbook

An excellent companion to your 21-days of breath-work: a 30-day, self-paced challenge to help you release stress and anxiety and...

...invite more calm, clarity, and growth with journaling, meditation, and intention setting practices.

Bonus #3 - Blissful Body Scans

Ready to take your Savasana to the next level? Body scanning is a powerful relaxation technique mostly used in Yoga Nidra meditations and mindfulness practices. It promotes deep, effortless relaxation for the physical body and mind, allowing you to achieve a level presence, grounding, and calm mind.

You'll get 6 unique body scanning meditations to get you grounded, focused, and refreshed anytime, any place...

Lifetime (Self-Paced) Pass

For those wanting to work at their own pace and/or revisit the 21-day program on a regular basis.

  • 21 days of breathwork delivered to your inbox
  • Audio lessons for each theme
  • PDF Guides and practice logs
  • Daily email reminders
  • Bonus #1: Blissful Energy Meditations
  • Bonus #2: Write-It-Out 30 Days of Journaling PDF Workbook.
  • Bonus #3: Blissful Body Scans
  • Lifetime access to the 21-day Breathe program and bonuses.
  • Access to any updates made along the way.

$197 $97

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