Gratitude journaling 📝 isn't just about writing—it's about rewiring your brain for happiness.

Science people say that keeping a gratitude journal can enhance your mood, increase self-esteem, and promote a more optimistic outlook on life.

Elevate your daily routine with the simple act of expressing gratitude.

If you're ready to:

  • Cultivate the life-changing habit of gratitude through daily journaling.
  • Practice deep reflection and discover the beauty of life, regardless of the challenges you're facing.
  • Make gratitude a lifelong habit, and watch your perspective on life shift in remarkable ways.
  • Learn how to see the glass "half full" because it always is.

What daily gratitude can do for you:

  • Improve mental health by lowering symptoms of anxiety and depression.
  • Increase positive thinking by fostering a more optimistic outlook on life.
  • Reduce stress by shifting focus from worries to positive aspects.
  • Get better sleep by promoting a more positive and relaxed mindset before bedtime.
  • Improve your relationships by expressing gratitude toward loved ones.
  • Soooooo much more!!!

How It Works:

  • Each day we focus on a theme to be grateful for. In other words, this is not the type of practice where you're counting your blessings, or thinking about what you're grateful for that day (but those are practices too). Instead, you'll be given a prompt based on the day's theme (family, health, etc.)
  • For 30 consecutive days, you'll get an email (bright and early), with the intro to the theme, an affirmation, a writing prompt, and guided meditation.
  • The meditations are only 7 minutes long, so you can easily stay on track without the stress or overwhelm.
  • Your first email is delivered the day after you register, so you can start fresh on a brand new day.
  • You have lifetime access to everything in the course, so if you fall behind, no worries, you can pick it up at a later time, or do the challenge as many times as you want.

Your 3-step daily practice:

Each day you'll have three short practices to complete.

Or, you can customize it depending on your needs or time availability (i.e. do the meditations without the journaling, or journaling without the meditations, or just daily affirmations.

Of course, we recommend the full 3-step practice, but whatever you can do will be ENOUGH, and you sure get points for showing up.


Before you start writing, you'll sit and connect with your breathing, tune in, and invoke the day's affirmation with a guided meditation. These are only 7 minutes long, so you can gradually build the art of daily meditation while staying on track without stress and overwhelm.


Now, it's time to journal your gratitude, and each day you’ll focus on a theme to be grateful for. So instead of counting your blessings, or thinking about what you're grateful for that day, you’ll be given specific prompts based on the theme (family, health, childhood, etc.)


Now, it's time to close out your practice by re-affirming your gratitude with your daily affirmation.

And that's all there is to it!

Inside The Grateful Heart you'll get:

  • 30 Unique Gratitude Prompts (delivered daily via email) designed to put you in gratitude mode instantly, while elevating your life in ways you may not have imagined.
  • 30 Unique Guided Meditations designed to help you focus on the present moment, fostering mindfulness and helping you shift attention away from negative thoughts - a great opportunity to work on your meditation skills and build a daily practice.
  • 30 Unique Affirmations designed to help you express and acknowledge the positive aspects of life, while experiencing a sense of calm and relaxation through powerful positive statements.
  • Lifetime Access after the 30 days, you'll get a PDF with all the prompts and affirmations, so you can re-do this challenge or go back to your prompts anytime you need to come back into balance. All the meditations are also available on your course dashboard.


We've got A's for your Q's

How does the 30 days of gratitude work?

Everyday, for 30 days, you'll receive an email with the intro to the theme, guided meditation, gratitude prompt, and affirmation.

How will I access the meditations?

The meditations are available on your course dashboard via Teachable. As soon as you register, you'll receive an email with log in information for you to access.

How long does it take to complete the daily practices?

The guided meditations are 7- minutes, the journaling takes 5 minutes to complete (more or less), and the affirmation about a minute. I'd say about 12-15 minutes a day.

Is there a refund policy?

Due to the electronic nature of the course, there are no refunds.  

What if I don't have time to do all 3 practices?

You can customize the program depending on your needs or time availability. For example, you can do the meditations without the journaling, or the journaling without the meditations, or just daily affirmations.

Of course, we recommend the full 3-step practice, but whatever you can do will be ENOUGH, and you sure get points for showing up.

What if I don't complete everything within 30 days?

You'll have lifetime access to the course materials, so you can pause if you need to, and resume or restart at anytime.

Hey, I'm Argentina

(Yep! you pronounce it like the country)

I started practicing yoga and meditation when I was in high school. I was stressed, overwhelmed, and highly anxious due to the many changes that were happening in my life at the time.

I was a teenager back then, and yoga became my sanctuary. It changed the way I handled everything that was going on. It changed my life. I practiced at home because I was too anxious to go to a group class. And actually, when I practiced, I used to put up a sign on my bedroom door that said “do not disturb.” Geeky, I know. But that’s how serious I was. Now I’m a full-time instructor and coach with a mission to share this powerful, healing practice with as many people as I can. 

You can find me at Argentina Rosado Yoga and Yoga On The Meadow. Come join me!

Wait, you probably want to know about my qualifications and stuff. Right? So here you go.

I’m a 500-hour “Yoga Alliance-School” Certified teacher, and I’ve been teaching yoga and meditation for 8+ years. My *specialties* are breath-work, meditation, and Yoga Nidra to help students manage chronic anxiety and stress. I hold a Bachelor’s degree in Medical Technology, and a Masters degree in Business Strategy and Leadership. Before I became a yoga teacher, I worked in the pharmaceutical industry where I helped manage clinical trials for new drug development.

The Grateful Heart

30 consecutive days of gratitude (with daily prompts, affirmations, and accompanying meditations) to help you...

...cultivate more calm, present moment awareness, and a joyful heart.