Write It Out

An easy-to-follow, accessible, 30-day challenge (with fun prompts and guided meditations) to help you release stress and anxiety and...

...invite more calm, clarity, and growth with journaling, meditation, and intention setting practices.


We ALL do it.

We get up in the morning and not only do we start thinking about our day ahead, but about everything that could go wrong.

I mean, how often do we think about what could go right?

We get stressed, anxious, and overwhelmed about things we don’t even know we’re holding (aka our unconscious).

We dwell on the past and worry about what we *think* is about to happen in the future.

And eventually, it happens.

We fall into a never-ending cycle of negative thinking that seems impossible to get out of.

And all you can do is laugh at those well-meaning Instagram quotes...

"think positive"

"be happy"

"change your thoughts, change your life"


How in the hell!!!!


Write It Out...


  • Release stress, anxiety, fear, and everything in between.

  • Invite more clarity, growth, and calm into your day-to-day life.

  • Kick start the mindful habit of asking questions (self-inquiry), listening, and writing it all down.

  • Set a clear intention, vision, and actionable goals to help you move towards something specific you'd like to achieve in life (i.e. health, stability, relationships, etc.).

A 30-day experience to bring more more calm, clarity, and growth with journaling, meditation, and intention setting practices.


Journaling is a powerful, mindful practice that allows us to record our thoughts and feelings, while helping us be more in control and aware of the present moment.

And that's exactly what you're invited to do for the next 30 days and beyond.

Here's How It Works

  • The 30-day experience is divided into 5 core themes: Body, Breath, Heart, Mind, Bliss.
  • For each theme you'll get 6 journaling exercises and one guided meditation.
  • For 30 consecutive days, you'll get one journaling exercise and the theme meditation everyday via email.
  • At the end of the 30 days, you'll get ALL the journaling prompts in a PDF so you can have them forever and ever.
  • Your first prompt hits your inbox on June 1, 2023.

The 30-Day Curriculum

DAYS 1-6


BODY refers to grounding, which is the practice of bringing awareness to our physical bodies and surroundings. Grounding is useful in times of anxiety, restlessness, and overall disconnection from the physical world. The journaling exercises in this theme are designed to bring awareness to the physical body and surroundings, and to promote feelings of stability, gratitude, abundance, safety, and grounding.

DAYS 7-12


BREATH refers to the practice of effortless welcoming and awareness of the natural rhythm of your breath. The journaling exercises in this theme are designed to bring awareness to the things that bring our breath in and out of balance.

DAYS 13-18


The journaling exercises in this theme are designed to bring awareness to our feelings, emotions, and our relationship with ourselves and others.

DAYS 19-24


The journaling exercises in this theme are designed to bring awareness to the things that create stress in our minds, and to allow for clarity, focus, and growth.

DAYS 25-30


BLISS refers to the practice of bringing awareness to the present moment, just as it is, as well as envisioning and intending for a blissful future.

The journaling exercises in this theme will help you create a heartfelt intention, envision it, and set actionable goals to bring it ALL to life.

What You Get:

30 Journaling Prompts delivered daily via email.

That’s right. No need to log into complicated platforms. No need to download lengthy PDFs, which get lost in your drive anyway (or is that just me?).  

You’ll get one writing prompt every morning in a no-fluff, no clutter email so that you can stay focused on each exercise and allow your mind to flow freely and creatively.

5 UNIQUE Meditations

To help you get into the flow and aligned with your *truest* self so that you can journal from the heart, rather than your *thinking* mind.

Take-home PDF

At the end of the 30 days, you'll get ALL the journaling prompts in a PDF so that you can have them forever and ever.

BONUS: Chakra Visualization Yoga Nidra

A unique Yoga Nidra meditation that takes you through a journey of the seven chakras, through symbols, visualizations, and deep relaxation techniques, so you can be more "in tune," with your highest self while you journal.


Hey, I'm Argentina

I started practicing yoga and meditation when I was in high school. I was stressed, overwhelmed, and highly anxious due to the many changes that were happening in my life at the time.

I was a teenager back then, and yoga became my sanctuary. It changed the way I handled everything that was going on. It changed my life. I practiced at home because I was too anxious to go to a group class. And actually, when I practiced, I used to put up a sign on my bedroom door that said “do not disturb.” Geeky, I know. But that’s how serious I was. Now I’m a full-time instructor and coach with a mission to share this powerful, healing practice with as many people as I can. 

Come join me!

Wait, you probably want to know about my qualifications and stuff. Right? So here you go.

I’m a 500-hour “Yoga Alliance-School” Certified teacher, and I’ve been teaching yoga and meditation for 5+ years. My “specialties” are breath-work, meditation, and Yoga Nidra to help students manage chronic anxiety and stress. I hold a Bachelor’s degree in Medical Technology, and a Masters degree in Business Strategy and Leadership. Before I became a yoga teacher, I worked in the pharmaceutical industry where I helped manage clinical trials for new drug development.

So what's on your mind? It's time to take a peak and write it ALL out.

Write It Out

A 30-day experience to bring more more calm, clarity, and growth with journaling, meditation, and intention setting practices.

Only $77 $47